Code of Conduct

We are a values led organisation and we will reflect on this on all our decision making and behaviours.


Our values:

HONESTY – be true

AUTHENTICITY – be yourself

INTEGRITY – be your word

LOVE – wish them well


1. Professionalism

1.1 We are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism in all interactions with clients, colleagues, candidates and other stakeholders such as service providers.

1.2 Dress Code: we will dress appropriately for the workplace and in adherence with the company guidelines.

1.3 Time-Keeping – we will arrive at work and for meetings on time and will respect each other’s time.


2. Integrity and Ethics

2.1 We will conduct all our business activities with honesty and integrity, providing accurate information to clients and candidates.

2.2 During the course of our role we will be party to our client’s confidential information and business plans as well as personal information on candidates. We will safeguard all confidential information and will protect proprietary information.

2.3 We will always disclose if we feel there is a conflict of interest that may effect our ability to perform our job duties objectively.


3. Fair and Inclusive Practices

3.1 We will treat all candidates, colleagues and candidates with fairness and respect, regardless of race, gender, religion, age, disability (or any other protected characteristics) to ensure equality of opportunity.

3.2 We will avoid discrimination of all forms and will not engage in discriminatory practices during our recruitment process.

3.3 We will promote a diverse and inclusive workplace and will ensure all candidates are given equal opportunities.


4. Client Relationships

4.1 We will build relationships with our clients and will be clear and open in our communication with clients and candidates during the recruitment process.

4.2 We will provide constructive and timely feedback to both candidates and clients.


5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

5.1 We will adhere to all applicable laws and regulations related to recruitment, employment and data privacy

5.2 We will invest in our training and regulatory horizon scanning through our in-house Legal Support and the REC to ensure we are informed and compliant will all relevant laws and regulations.


6. Social Media and Online Presence

6.1 We will be engaging and professional on social media at all times. Our consultants are encouraged to build their own personal brand but also be aware they are representing Meraki at all times also.  We will never engage in negative remarks about our candidates, clients or colleagues online and will not share commercially sensitive information.


7. Continuous Improvement

7.1 We will ensure our colleagues have structured training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and professional experiences.

7.2 We will seek and provide constructive feedback to candidates, colleague and clients consistently.


 8. Reporting

8.1 In the event any member of our team does not live up to the expectations set-out in our Code of Conduct this should be reported to Andrew Welsh (CEO).

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